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Press Room

External Links


  • Microsoft Corporation – Microsoft Official Home Page
  • MSDN – Microsoft Developer Network
  • MFC Library Reference – Microsoft Foundation Class Library
  • National Instruments – LabWindows/CVI, TestStand, Measurement & Automation Explorer
  • W3C – World Wide Web Consortium
  • MATLAB – The Language of Technical Computing
  • MAPLE – The Essential Tool for Mathematics and Modeling
  • MiniTab – Statistical Software for Six Sigma Quality Methods
  • Gnuplot – Scientific Graphing and Data Analysis Software


  • Élet és Tudomány – Magyar és nemzetközi aktuális tudományos eredményeket bemutató hetilap
  • Fizikai Szemle – Az Eötvös Loránd Fizikai Társulat folyóirata
  • Physics World – Physics news, jobs, equipment buyer’s giude and events
  • Physics Central – Site of the American Physical Society
  • Webelements – Periodic Table on the web contains essential information for the elements
  • KFKI – Campus houses five research institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • ATOMKI – Insitute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research
  • NIST – National Institute of Standard and Technology